Misc Options
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Zip Options
Specify directory for zip temp file
Predefined Split Sizes
Display progress in pop up dialog
Display progress in status bar

Zip Options
Specify directory for zip temp file
This value specifies the directory that AxMan will use to write the zip file it creates before it splits it.  This file is automatically removed after AxMan finishes splitting the file.  You may need to change this value if you are splitting a large file and there is not enough room on the designated temp drive (C: by default) to write the temporary zip file.
Predefined Split Sizes

The predefined split size section allows you to customize the available predefined split size selections that are presented on the main split window. You have the options to add a new predefined split size, to edit an existing predefined split size, to remove an existing predefined split size, or to reset the list to default values that came with the original installation.  NOTE:  Please be sure to specify split sizes in bytes.

Display progress in pop up dialog
If this value is selected, AxMan will display the progress of spliting, restoring, and verifying in a pop up dialog box.
Display progress in status bar
If this value is selected, AxMan will display the progress of splitting, restoring, and verifying in the status bar of the main application window.
NOTES: You can display either status bar, both, or none at all.  You will notice some performace improvement when not using the pop up dialog.